Safety Policy of
Lafasi Maritime Company
LAFASI MC declares its commitment to the principles and regulations of the Safe Management System and guarantees the implementation of the following, regarding the Environmental Safety and Protection.
- Protection of human life and property at sea from known and specific hazards and insurance of healthy and safe working conditions for ship personnel.
- Use of specialized and medically certified personnel on board, so that they are suitable for the job.
- Maintenance of the Safety Equipment in good condition as well as maximizing familiarity of the ship’s personnel with the use of this equipment.
- Frequent training on board of the company’s ships by using the safety equipment against any specific danger.
- Established procedures by the Company for safe navigation and the general safety of the ship.
- Confirmation that the ship’s personnel is aware of anti-pollution protection issues and responsible for actions against all types of pollution, as required by National and International Regulations.
- Encouragement of personnel to take all necessary measures to avoid pollution.
- Pollution treatment through a pollution control plan.
- Report to the Company’s Management for any reason of non-compliance to pollution measures.
- Training at regular intervals.
- Establishment of risk assessment and management procedures which Company follows and examines ensuring the improvement of its procedures so that the risks related to the operations of the Company, the personnel, the property and the environment are at a level above 0.
Compliance with the declared policy is obligatory for all company staff both ships and land regardless from other policies and instructions adopted and applied by different parts of the Company.