Policy statement of
Lafasi Maritime Company
on Environmental Management Issues
The current policy refers to all vessels which operate according to the requirements of ISM code and the International Convention For Prevention of Pollution from ships -Marpol 73/78 Annex V- of Lafasi Maritime Company which from now on will be referred as Company. The Company is aware of its responsibilities in this sector and guarantees its commitment on issues regarding the protection of the environment and it establishes that all work done by the personnel in the offices and on board of the ships will confirm the effort on the following:
- Recognition of the environmental management as one of the highest corporal priorities and adoption of environmentally friendly
- Improving company-wide practices for environmental performance considering the current legislation, the industry norms, the evolving techniques, the consumers’ needs and community’s expectations.
- Voluntarily steps, wherever this is possible, in order to improve the current environmental models
- Promotion of the education and motivation so as the personnel would accomplish its tasks in an environmentally responsible way.
- Concern of designing and operating the vessels by taking into account the effective use of energy and materials, minimizing any unfriendly environmental consequence and the safe and responsible disposal of the remaining residues.
- Development of fire control plans for emergencies in collaboration with the emergency services for dealing emergencies, in accordance with the current legislation and the good practice.
- Promotion of adopting practices by suppliers and contractors who work for the company, by encouraging them and demanding when necessary, to improve their practices in accordance with the ones of the Company.
- Promotion and encouragement of the dialogue with the personnel, the relevant authorities and the people by complying with the concerns of possible environmental risks and consequences from the operation of the Company.
- The conduction of regular inspections with the requirements of the company, the law, the relevant authorities and notifying the results internal and external wherever it is demanded by the standards of the current legislation.
Our Company runs regular audits according to the law and the authorities and notifies the results both internally and externally, where required, under applicable law.